What You'll Get From This Article:

  • Good work-life balance is essential for maintaining productivity and avoiding burnout
  • Establish rules for communication outside of work hours
  • Take time for yourself every day to relax and rejuvenate
  • Make a schedule and stick to it
  • Find a hobby or activity that you enjoy outside of work

Are you struggling to find a good work-life balance? It can be tough to find a good equilibrium if you're like many people. Technology has made it possible for us to work from anywhere, but that also means that our work can follow us home.

In this blog post, we'll share tips for achieving work-life balance, whether you're a remote worker in tech or someone who works from home. We'll also introduce you to Goosly, a website that can help you plan your personal and professional life.

1. Understand your own needs and wants

To achieve work-life balance, it is essential first to understand your own needs and wants. Only then can you begin to make changes in your life that will help you find a better balance.

Using a balanceboard as training before surfing
Photo by Gustavo Torres / Unsplash

Some things to consider include:

  • How much time do you want to spend on work?
  • How much personal time do you want to spend on everyday life activities?
  • What are the most critical aspects of your life?
  • What makes you happy or improves your mental health?

Once you understand what you need and want, making the necessary changes to achieve work-life balance becomes more manageable.

2. Set boundaries with your boss and co-workers

Setting boundaries with your boss and co-workers can be complex, but it’s essential to do so if you want to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Here are some tips for doing so:

🗣 Talk to your boss about your expectations.
Tell them you need a certain amount of time each day to devote to personal activities, and be sure to stick to that schedule.

🔠 Establish rules for communication outside of work hours or on vacation time.
Decide what times you will and will not respond to emails or take calls from co-workers.

📵 Avoid working over official work hours whenever possible.
If you find yourself consistently putting in extra hours at the office, talk to your boss about finding a way to reduce your workload.

3. Take time for yourself every day

You must take free time for yourself daily to be your best self. That may mean taking a walk in the park, talking to a mental health professional, or taking a yoga class. But whatever you do, make sure it’s something that relaxes and rejuvenates you.

Lazy Saturday with a tea, design books and Jack Russel puppy.
Photo by Jexo / Unsplash

If you don’t take time for yourself, you’ll quickly become overwhelmed and stressed out. And that’s no way to live. So make sure to schedule some “you time” into your day, and stick to it!

4. Make a schedule and stick to it

Making and sticking to a schedule can be difficult, but having a more productive work-life balance is worth it. One way to create and stick to a schedule is by using Goosly.

Goosly lets you plan your personal life projects and then helps you stick to your roadmap schedule by sending reminders and notifications.

5. Find a hobby or activity that you enjoy outside of work

Finding a hobby or activity you enjoy outside work is essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. It can be challenging to separate your personal and professional lives if you don’t have any interests or activities you enjoy outside of work. This can lead to burnout and stress, which will undoubtedly have a negative impact on your productivity and quality of work.

Photo by Eder Pozo Pérez / Unsplash

There are many ways to find a hobby or activity that you enjoy outside of work. You can try searching online for ideas, talking to friends and family members, or attending events in your community. It’s important to find something that interests you and that you can see yourself sticking with over the long haul. Otherwise, it’s likely to be difficult to maintain your work-life balance in the long run.

6. Don't be afraid to say no

One of the most important skills you can learn to maintain a work-life balance is how to say no. It's hard to say no when people ask for favors or try to put more obligations on your plate, but it's even harder when saying no might mean disappointing or angering someone you care about.

But learning to say no is essential because if you don't set boundaries, other people will continue to take advantage of you and push your limits. And if you're always saying yes, you'll never have time for yourself or the important things.

The key is to be assertive and firm when you say no. You don't need to give a long explanation or make excuses; just state plainly that you cannot do what they're asking. And remember that it's okay to change your mind later if something comes up, but be sure to stick with your decision in the meantime.

Summing Things Up

To have a successful work-life balance, it's important to set boundaries and rules for yourself and your co-workers, avoid working overtime whenever possible, take time for yourself every day, and find a hobby or activity you enjoy outside work. One way to make and stick to a schedule is by using Goosly, which helps you plan your personal and work projects with free roadmap templates.